(originally posted 7/8/10)
During the past two weeks, I’ve been checking out area farmers
markets. Even when I’m not shopping for anything in particular, I just love the
displays, the variety, the color, the aromas, the feeling of possibility that
comes from being surrounded by produce, baked treats, flowers, and cheeses.
However, I must admit that even the most expansive markets I’ve seen in central
Pennsylvania are dwarfed by the multitude of neighborhood markets I recently
saw in Paris.
We visited several Parisian markets, but I would have to say that
the hands-down winner for variety, beauty, mind-boggling size and bustling
atmosphere is the Marche du Pont de l’Alma on Avenue du President Wilson in the
16th arrondissement. You could spend hours there, snacking all along the way,
and come home with everything you need for a monumental meal, right down to the
wine and table linens. Watch for the stalls with the longest lines, including
the one that specializes in freshly-made pasta and Italian delicacies. Try to
keep your ankles from being bruised by the little old ladies wielding their
rolling metal carts like riot shields, as they load up for a family dinner.
Eavesdrop on the men chewing the fat (literally) with the sausage maker, and on
the stylish women debating the merits of one pastry over another (while you
wonder, how could people so impossibly skinny be buying all those rich
French open-air markets are a great place to learn about French
attitudes toward food. In Paris, domiciles are small, refrigerators often
miniscule, and storage is at a minimum. People shop almost daily, and there is
an expectation that fresh, attractive, locally-grown foods will be available in
one’s own neighborhood. In the midst of one of the world’s busiest cities, you
can enter an avenue of stalls and tables displaying what seems like acres of
gorgeous produce, artisan cheeses, freshly-butchered meats and hand-made
sausages, seafood, flowers, herbs and a stunning array of prepared foods.
The French love to eat, and they are not squeamish about
food. Both traditional French soul food and high-gastronomy cuisine often
consist of animals (or parts of animals) that all but the most open-minded and
open-palated Americans would consider beyond the pale. Frogs’ legs and
escargots have become mainstream fare in the U.S.; but the likes of tête de
veau (calf’s head), pigs’ feet, snouts and cheeks, smoked ox tongue, and the
various other organs and glands that are common in Parisian restaurants and
butcher shops have not really gained popularity on this side of the pond. More
to the point, however, is that even when considering more mundane foods (like
chicken or pork), the French do not kid themselves about what they’re eating.
Forget about boneless, skinless chicken breasts crowded onto a Styrofoam tray
and shrink-wrapped in plastic. At a French market, expect to see recently (and
often only partially) de-feathered birds with the heads and feet still attached
-- the easier to identify the choice “poulet de Bresse,” with its blue feet.
Ditto for many other critters in the butcher’s stall, including rabbits,
calves, pigs and sheep.
At the poissonerie (fish stand), the langoustines crawl off
their piles only to be periodically gathered up and thrown back on top as the
busy fishmonger takes orders. Weird, bulging-eyed, eel-like fish (what ARE
those things?) are displayed with their tails in their mouths.
mussels, clams and oysters are bathing in a shallow pool. Shiny whole fish in
an array of sizes, colors and shapes are arranged on a bed of shaved ice as if
swimming through a sea current.

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